Planning for the next version continues!
There's still time to suggest any major or minor features that people would like to see in Chronos.
Things I currently plan to implement:
- Customizable loot, levels, achievements and other things being tracked and displayed on your website
- Multiple timer windows with a way to filter timers between different windows
- More program and overlay customization options
- "Modification", a new event type. This will modify timer lengths of all or specific timers when fired
- A "dedicated" server version. Users will now interact with their server through their clients. This means that your server could be ran on a dedicated machine without direct user interaction, instead of relying on your raid leader to run it on their "special server" version of the regular software. Still easy to use!
- User levels. More than one person can change global evens, manage DKP and attendance, etc.
Things I may implement:
- "Buff" windows. Dedicated buff style overlays to show your buffs. This may not be required with multiple overlays and overlay theming, as you could make them look how you like!
There'll probably be a lot more by the time solid coding begins. I've had some great suggestions and comments lately, so keep them coming! :)
Chronos thread on the Official Rift Forums.
Chronos thread on EQ2 Flames.