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Sunday 24 April 2011

Scrap User Levels, Incoming Recode

Hey guys!

I thought I'd mention this so that people aren't wondering where the user levels feature for Chronos is.

I've decided it is not worth me coding user levels into the current Chronos, as significant code rewrites will be required. I have, however, decided that I am going to continue updating Chronos with small / medium features while I work on a complete rewrite of the software.

The rewrited Chronos will be created in such a way that it should allow me to implement big features without having to rewrite much code and it will be built on all the knowledge I've gained and the lessons I've learned from the current Chronos. It will also be made from the ground up to support user levels and will be an initial feature of the new version.

This process may take months, so in the meantime I'm completely happy to continue taking feature requests and bug reports for the current Chronos. I will continue to implement new stuff into and refine the current version, because at the end of the day I might learn something else new that will help in the next version. You can even still submit big feature requests if you like, as they may be something I wish to implement into the next Chronos, or they may not be as big as they seem and I could squeeze them into the current version for you.

As always, feedback is much appreciated.

PS. The blog got more hits today than ever :).

Thanks for the continued support!


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